Use the best tenets of automated cloud devolopment patterns, deployment and operational transparency.
The Full 360 engineering and consulting staff shine during the TREK Build Phase. We use the best of agile and waterfall methodologies appropriate to each project and procede with daily reviews in a disciplined contiuous improvement process. This includes infrastructure builds which are also configured and audited securely in code.
Our sharp technical project leadership combined with our deep development expertise is unique. We use the best of agile and waterfall methodologies appropriate to each project and procede with daily reviews in a disciplined contiuous improvement process. Our code is reviewed. This includes infrastructure builds which are also configured and audited securely in code. We can move forwards and backward in our code evolutions and move your applications with any granularity. We move into production gradually, in parallel or with a hot swap.
Fanatical Dedication to fulfilling the Cloud's Promise, Mastering its complexity, and Delivering the Impossible.