Resource: edw_license
The edw_license
provides a License resource.
The resource lets you create and delete licenses that can be associated with
Example Usage
When defining a license you can specify the content directly on the resource using a literal string or you could use a local_file resource to achieve the same result with an existing plain text file.
data "local_file" "license_file" {
filename = "${path.module}/license.txt"
resource "edw_license" "my-license" {
name = "test-license-1"
content = data.local_file.license_file.content
# Use the license in the create
resource "edw_cluster" "my-cluster" {
name = "dev-cluster-a"
environment_id = "edw-environment-id-xxxx"
license_id =
database_name = "vertica"
database_master_password = "secret-password"
vertica_version = "10.0.0-0"
storage_size = 128
node_count = 1
disable_backups = false
enable_eon_mode = false
aws_region = "us-west-2"
aws_vpc_id = "vpc-xxxx"
aws_subnet_id = "subnet-xxxx"
aws_instance_type = "m4.large"
use_aws_spot_instances = false
Argument Reference
- The name of the license being createdcontent
- The raw content of the license to be uploaded.
Attributes Reference
In addition to the arguments above, the following attributes are also exported:
- The License ID (generated by ElasticDW).